
2024-06-08 21:31

1. 中国红十字会总会的英文怎么说

Red Cross Society of China


2. “中国红十字会”英语怎么说

         The total amount of public donations raised by the Red Cross Society of China this year was not that much different from that in previous years. Evidently, the Guo Meimei incident, which had put a big question mark on the country's most high-profile humanitarian organization in June, has not substantially reduced the amount received, although the number of individual donations might have been less than before.
         The donations collected through the society and all of its local branches stood at nearly 4.2 billion yuan ($660 million) this year and so far about 3.95 billion has been spent, statistics released by the organization on Wednesday showed.
          文中的Red Cross Society of China即“中国红十字会” 。另外一种更简洁的表达是China Red Cross。今年6月份的“郭美美”事件(Guo Meimei incident),使中国红十字会深陷信任危机(trust crisis),个人捐款(individual donations)因此减少。与donation相关的搭配有:公共捐款(public donations),募捐(raise a donation),捐款(make a donation),接受捐款(receive/collect a donation)。

3. 英语中给红十字会打电话是什么含义

1、call somebody.这个最常用,就是给谁打电话的意思。
 2、hit  up.意思是,联系某人,给某人打电话。
 3、give somebody a call/ring.给某人打个电话。
 4、ring sb.给某人打电话。
 5、make a phone call to somebody.打电话给某人。
 1、hang up   挂电话
 2、end the conversation 结束对话
 3、not keep somebody longer 不耽误时间
 4、get a call waiting  有另一个电话等着
 5、someone is on the line 其他人在打我电话
 1、I won't keep you any longer.
 2、 Sorry, it's getting late. Can you call again tomorrow morning?
 3、Sorry, I must end the conversation. There's someone on the other line.
 4、Sorry, I've got to hang up. My wife's waiting for me.
 5、Shall we continue this later? I've got a call waiting.


4. 英语学习资料:红十字会协会的英文怎么说

league是什么意思 :   n. 联盟,同盟;盟约;联合会   v. 组成联盟,结盟     They are not in the same league.   他们的水平有高低。   Make a league with me.   和我订立盟约吧。   The League was led by Communists.   这一同盟是由 *** 领导的。   red是什么意思 :   adj. 红色的;褐红色的;深红的;布满血丝的;支持左翼政治观点的;社会党的   n. 赤字;亏空     Red got his nickname for his red hair.   “红毛”的绰号源于他的红头发。   The sun will swell into a red giant.    太阳将膨胀为一颗红巨星。   red lake C pigment   色淀C颜料红   cross是什么意思 :   n. [C]    1.十字形,十字形记号    2.十字架    3.(常大写)基督教[the Cross]    4.(教徒)画十字的动作    5.十字形装饰物,十字勋章    6.混合物,杂交,杂种(+between)    7.磨难,苦难    v.[T]    1.越过,渡过    2.使交叉,与……相交    3.错过    4.使杂交(+with)    5.【英】在支票上画两条两条平行线(表示只能在银行转账)    6.(为祈福等)画十字于    7.反对,妨碍    v.[I]    1.横穿,横渡    2.交叉,相交    3.错过    4.杂交    a.    1.发怒的,脾气坏的(+with/at)    2.交叉的,横贯的    3.相反的        No cross, no crown.    没有磨难,就没有皇冠。   Use the zebra crossing to cross the road.   走斑马线过马路。   mark one's cross   画押,画十字