
2024-05-18 11:18

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The flour strongly attacked has a strong smell, it becomes dark and may not be suitable for bread-making.
attack - v.腐蚀, 侵蚀
The fore wings are gray-brown and horizontally streaked as waves.

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4.thense(这个词打错了吧)  天气很热,在等待宣布结果的时候我们真是出了一身汗。
9.STAN 总是带着情绪驾车,他从未想过他这样做的后果。(hisemoxions 应为 his  emotions)



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自从兴元年间以来,这一年的年景最丰熟,米一斗值一百五十钱。粟一半值八十钱,德宗颁诏命令在丰收的地区由官府和籴。 庚辰(初一),德宗在新店打猎,来到农民赵光奇的家中。德宗问:“老百姓高兴吗?”赵光奇回答说:“不高兴。”德宗说:“今年庄稼颇获丰收,为什么不高兴?”赵光奇回答说:“诏令没有信用。以前说是两税以外全没有其他徭役,现在不属于两税的搜刮大约比两税还多。以后又说是和籴,但实际是强行夺取粮食,还不曾见过一个钱。开始时说官府买进的谷子和麦子只须在道旁交纳,现在却让送往京西行营,动不动就是几百里地,车坏马死,人破产,难以支撑下去了。百姓这般忧愁困苦,有什么可高兴的!每次颁发诏书都说优待并体恤百姓,只是一纸空文而已!恐怕圣明的主上深居在九重皇宫里面,对这些是全然不曾知晓的吧!”德宗命令免除他家的赋税和徭役。 臣司马光说:唐德宗真是太难以醒悟了!自古以来,人们所担忧的,是君主的恩泽壅塞着,不能传达到下面去,小民的情绪郁结着,不能通报到上边来。所以,君主在上面忧心怜恤,但百姓并不归向;百姓在下面忧愁怨苦,但君主并不晓得,终于导致百姓流离反叛,国家倾危败亡,大约道理就在于此。幸亏德宗因打猎得以来到百姓家中,正赶上赵光奇敢进直言,又了解民间的疾苦,这真是千载难逢的际遇啊。唐德宗本来应当查处有关部门搁置诏书,残酷地侵害百姓,横暴地增加赋税,盗窃和隐没公家资财的情况,以及自己周围那些天天称道民间丰熟喜乐的阿谀奉承之徒,将他们诛而杀之;然后洗除杂念,改变计虑,刷新朝政,摒弃浮华的装饰,废除空洞的具文,谨饬号令,勉励诚信,审察真伪,辨别忠奸,哀怜困穷,昭雪冤屈,天下太平的业绩便可以实现了。然而,唐德宗丢开这些不肯去做,却去免除赵光奇一家的赋役。然而,四海广大,百姓众多,又怎能人人都亲自向天子讲明情况,户户都得以免除徭役与赋税呢!

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Color, aroma, taste of Korea Food
South Korean staple rice. Common dishes with meat, fish, tofu, vegetables and other stew pot, and South Korea's unique nutrition rich kimchi; also with Korean style seasonings mixing and all kinds of dishes.
Koreans eat hot peppers, home cooked food almost entirely into the chili, so used in Korean restaurant seasoning basically is chilli peppers and garlic. On this basis and with a variety of different flavors of spices, so the Korean food in addition to spicy and unique color, smell, taste, it is coveted.
"Han Ding food": the palace dishes traditional flavor, all kinds of dishes filled with the table. Useful for wheat pancake wrapped meat, vegetables and other eight kinds of dishes to eat "nine Osaka board", and add the meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms stew cooking chafing dish "fairy furnace."
"Stone pot bibimbap": white rice, covered with yellow bean sprouts and other vegetables, meat and eggs accessories, served in a hot stone pot, add the right amount of chili sauce stir and food. The taste of a variety of materials are mixed to form a unique flavor, the pot of rice crust is a must.
Teppanyaki: beef and roast beef cooked in iron, with lettuce, sesame leaves dipped in chili sauce or bean sauce.
Kimchi: Korea is the most representative of a kind of food. There are hundreds of kinds of kimchi, the main material is radish, cucumber and other vegetables. Abalone, shrimp etc. also can be used for seasoning, rich nutrition.
In addition, Hot pot Korea ginseng chicken soup, pickled cabbage, noodles, rice and other board package.
American fast food culture
Americans to eat Western food, under normal circumstances, breakfast like eat all kinds of fruit juice and sugar fried ham, salt and pepper small bread, ham, egg, milk, coffee, yogurt, jam etc., afternoon and evening meals edible mixed vegetables, sauce beef, roast chicken, minced liver, Fried Cauliflower and, intestinal tea, red juice chicken, red eggplant, fried pork chop, fried meat, shrimp, fried meat, meat stew pot etc..
Characteristics of American taste is sweet and salty, generally with delicate, spicy, slightly sweet, slightly acid based, do not like to eat meat, do not eat too spicy or greasy overweight dishes, do not love to eat steamed, braised food, Jichi all animal entrails and feet. But chicken, duck, fish, meat, eggs, seafood and game, especially Turkey, beef and goose is the general American favorite animal food.
Fast food is a typical American diet, which is the "hamburger", "pie", "hot dog" is the most common and most famous. "Hamburger" that round bread clamped in the middle of the convenient beef, chicken, eggs and other food and drink; "pie" is also called Italy baked pies. The stuffing is generally mixed with chicken, beef, ham, sausage, mushroom, onion, butter, etc.; "hot dog" is a clip bread and sausages.
German food beer, bread, sausage variety
German chef at other foreign food characteristic absorption and steal from Asia, Europe and the United States all home cooking characteristics based on and also do is also delicious delicacies. Germany's catering industry in recent decades to very high levels, from a variety of hot and cold drink snack bar, small restaurant, Bistro to luxury star level hotels and restaurants across the country, a variety of flavors available. The attractive color, the smell of the fragrance to attract people and took out his wallet, with good food.
Germany's traditional dishes
If you travel around Germany, you can have the opportunity to enjoy a variety of colorful, very unique place to taste. When you sit in with traditional characteristics of the castle style restaurant to a juniper berry sauce, plus fill pears, fried potato, again with chicory Walnut Salad, a glass of grape and enjoy such a meal rich in nutrition, color and delicious dinner, indeed, is a a very pleasant thing feeling. Each of the Isaacson people in the diet know a fish to swim three times, that is, in the water, butter, wine after the tour to be end on the table. Isaacson, a wine stain, is the favorite of the people on Sunday. The Bavarian authentic roast meat hunting with sauerkraut, Baden spotted trout fillets and so on, are the local flavor dishes.
A wide variety of sausages and bread
If you want to eat sausage in Germany, that's where you want to be. German sausage are estimated to have more than 1500, of which only boiled small sweet has more than 780, the most popular is run at the mouth of the sausage, gastrula class including resistance to storage sausage and flavoring strong meat sausage. In addition, boiled intestine also includes 60 kinds of liver and intestinal flavor characteristics, such as the famous Kurpfalz enema. Eating sausages will be a match for bread, in the production of bread can be regarded as the quality and quantity of the world champion. In Germany, useful flour bread, useful also made of rye, oats, flour and grains mixed with the mixed surface. German daily baked fragrant small bread rolls, angle shape, "8" - shaped waffles and a loaf of bread has more than 1200. In addition, there are 300 many other different types of bread.
Beer, wine country


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