英语翻译 英语高手赶紧来啊

2024-06-03 17:20

1. 英语翻译 英语高手赶紧来啊


     在过去的2年中担任欧洲运动创伤、膝关节外科和关节镜检查学会的主席,对于我本人来说是一段愉悦、精彩的经历。我到过全欧洲并结识了你们中的很多同仁。并亲眼见证了你们以及你们的同仁在教育、研究及临床工作上付出的巨大努力与所取得的伟大成就。欧洲运动创伤、膝关节外科和关节镜检查学会委员会从未如此积极奋进;我们也前所未有地献身于我们的事业工作上。通过我们在卢森堡不断持续有效地办公,欧洲运动创伤、膝关节外科和关节镜检查学会现在更为强大。并且我们首次能加入欧洲运动创伤、膝关节外科和关节镜检查学会和膝外科学、运动创伤学、节镜检查学办公室。现在,我们坚实稳健。你们现在的新主席 Niek van Dijk 能顺利实行其新方案/规划,并同时确保欧洲运动创伤、膝关节外科和关节镜检查学会其作为在欧洲的首屈一指的运动药物与外伤社会的稳固地位。

英语翻译 英语高手赶紧来啊

2. 英语翻译,英语高手快来啊



3. 英语高手。帮我翻译一下。



4. 英语翻译高手快来啊!!

亲爱的Wan-san我写信是你希望你可以给我一些建议关于商业分布你提到你已经停止采购代理。然而我们仍然从他们接受命令。我希望你来调查正在进行,让我们知道状态。不管怎样,我将会告诉你在地平线上的交付状态。下面的未来运送时间表。*所描述的日期,从sheedom调度植物7500 8/30 7500 8/26 10000 * 9/6已经通知在大约9/13。10000米约9/21。 10000 m *未来安排谢谢致以最诚挚的问候

5. 英语高手请进。帮我翻译?

The United States is a controversial power.
 In the U.S., with special emphasis on human rights.
 American public in general also enjoy human rights.
 But surprisingly, the United States is the name of "human rights" to interfere in another country under the guise of politics.
 In fact, has affected the human rights of nationals of other countries. She said and done, it runs counter with the beginning of allegiance.
 Of course, American material culture is very developed, but also the people longing for a paradise


6. 英语高手请进来,帮我翻译

people all have dreams that, one day, they will stand out and be distinguished from others; however, to be someone, we should be of a few qualities. first of all, we have to set decent goals that guides us toward right directions. moreover, since knowledge is power, we have to have a certain amount of knowledge. besides equipped with knowledge, we should be able to use it. last thing required is actions. action speaks louder and one will never succeed without actions. i'm an aggressive person. i've never stopped dreaming about to be some one. i will pursue my dreams until it's realized. i believe i will succeed.

7. 英语高手请进来。帮我翻译。很急的。快点

Each people all have own dream, of one day to be successful, different.

Of course, want to outstanding, it must have some basic quality blood. Above all, want to set high goals. Target is like the beacon, in their doubts, it will guide his moving in the right direction. Next, want to have certain knowledge. Knowledge is power, want to know to armed themselves using knowledge. Finally, to firm must pay the action. The light that is not successful, only hard to pay, will reap the rewards.

I am an ambitious, I always wanted to be somebody. My advantage is my ambition, cell conceived explode.

I believe I will succeed!


8. 英语高手帮我翻译
