
2024-05-01 03:06

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Research by David and Roger Johnson (1993) and Robert Slavin ( 1 9 9 0 ) has revealed that not only does cooperative learning yield better acquisition and retention of lesson content , but it also promotes better interpersonal and thinking skills . This research has highlighted the importance of interdependence as the key to success in cooperative learning. That is, group members must have a stake in each other’s understanding and mastery of the material.
翻译:David和Roger Johnson(1993)和Robert Slavin(1990)的研究揭示了:合作学习不仅能更好地获取和保留课上所学到的内容,而且也促进了人际关系和思维能力。这项研究强调了相互依赖作为合作学习成功的关键因素的重要性。也就是说,小组成员必须对彼此的理解和每个人所掌握的信息材料都十分清楚。


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Abstract: Xie lingyun and wangwei are the great masters of Chinese landscape poetry. Their creation both has everlasting contributions towards the development and prosperity of later landscape poetry; However, their creation of landscape poems has not only sameness but also differential.

This paper discusses the difference between Xie Lingyun and Wang Wei in the creation of landscape poetry from three respects: different dispositions and different theoretical origin, different poetic Aesthetic Feature, and different historical contributions and position.

Living in different social eras and different living environment, influenced by Buddhism Zen, the two poets with different life took up their own dispositions and thought, which also affected their aesthetic appreciation to landscape. 


They gave their unique feeling to landscape in each creation. Xie Lingyun was good at depicting natural scenery aborativly. He recounted his feelings and findings of his tours with gorgeous language, creating some real and vivid picturesque scene of mountains and water. Wang Wei inherited and developed the technique of Xie Lingyun in depicting the beauty of mountains and water. He gave vitality to scenery and combined feeling with scenery, forming a kind of state of spaciousness with fresh and elegant language.

With pieces of splendid poems, both Xie Lingyun and Wang Wei made important contributions to the development and prosperity of aftertime landscape poetry, which also won an important place for each of themselves in our literature history.



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Shadow dancing is a fashionable and vintage dancing that is suitable for small platform performance. Usually, artists use shadow and body expressions to express emotions and create a live effect that looks like black and white film.
最早发源于中国,中国的皮影就是一种影子舞,国外比较知名的shadow 舞团及一些媒体报道相关艺术形式起源的时候都会提到中国,不过中国传统艺术的没落和不被重视已经让宝贵的艺术形式趋于弱势,反而在国外做的风声水起。
Originated in China, Chinese puppet is a form of shadow play. Some famous dancing teams like Shadow will mention that this art originates from China in some media reports. But the declining and disconsideration of the Chinese traditional art has given China a downside while rising above abroad.
国内舞蹈团体目前还停留在几乎完全模仿的状态基本上没有原创能力 希望借鉴和发扬艺术形式的同时,更多的增加创新意识。
国外选秀节目中涌现出很多优秀的影子舞作品,如英国达人秀中Attraction舞团的影子舞《Read All About It》、《Shadowland》
Domestic dancing groups have stayed at compeletely imitating with no creativity at all. We hope they can add more inovation as well as borrow and develop the artistic forms.
Foreign talent shows have emerged a lot of excellent shadow dancings, such as "Read All About It" and "Shadowland" in the English tatent show "Attraction".

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6. 高分求英语翻译,不要软件和在线翻译

This is a time in Beijing on November 9,, China and Russia on Mars probe launch pictures.	

After launch, not according to plan to Mars into the orbit, but to continue to stay close to earth orbit.	

China and Russia are still in intensify save the two detectors.	

If you fail this mission, the probe will fall somewhere in the world.	

May at the end of the month will be landing, are now determine its fall site, may be in China	

希望对你有帮助,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~  有什么不懂可以继续提问

7. 求翻译。。不要软件翻译

原句:A terrible explosive noise was heard, immediately followed by strong shaking of the classroom building. Mrs Li Lan, a country school teacher in Sichuan, who was giving a class, could hardly keep on her feet, and many of her pupils made panic cries. Mrs Li realized at once that it must be a powerful earthquake hitting the area. Though she herself was scared, she managed (设法) to make the children calm down, opened the door right away and told the children to leave the classroom and get down to the playground as quickly as possible.
When all the children had left, she followed them to the first floor. The earth still kept moving violently (巨烈地). Some of the buildings nearby were falling down, and a great number of falling stones were rolling down from the hills behind the school. Suddenly, she found a little boy fell over and was hit by a big stone right on his body. She forgot the danger she was facing and ran over, trying to push the stone away. The stone was so big that it was not easy for her to move it. She kept pushing until the boy was pulled out, carrying him to the center of the playground. The boy was later sent to hospital and saved.
翻译: 一个可怕的爆炸噪声被听到,后面紧跟着强震的教学楼。李兰夫人,一个国家的学校的老师在四川,他正在给一个类,几乎无法继续她的脚,她的许多学生哭了恐慌。李太太马上意识到,它必须是一个强大的地震打击该地区。尽管她很害怕,她设法来让孩子们平静下来,马上打开了一扇门,告诉孩子们离开教室,着手尽快操场。



8. 急求英语翻译,高分,拒绝软件翻译的!在线等!

From this day forward, tear up your dirty appearence
design concept: On the way people seek for the super-spead economical development, they ignore the the protect of our living space. Earch is facing the crisis because people explore the limited resource greedly. Enviroment protection has become more and more important. So, the most pressing thing we should do is protecting our enviroment. Do it just now; do it by ourselves; do is by little things.
design element: a pair of powerful hands tear off the dirty which covers the city and lake, the blue sky and green grasses appears. People could see the theme of the poster from the strking contrast.