
2024-05-29 08:00

1. 深圳大学建筑与土木工程学院的介绍

建筑与土木工程学院 The College of Architecture & Civil Engineering。1997年4月,深圳大学以原有的建筑系、土木系和设计系的环境艺术专业为基础建立了建筑与土木工程学院。1998年,建筑学专业通过了全国高等建筑学专业教育评估,在全国众多历史悠久的建筑学专业的院系当中,跃居前12名行列。2000年建筑学被评为广东省重点学科,成为省内与华南理工大学建筑学专业双雄并列的两所重点学科之一。


2. 深圳大学建筑与土木工程学院的学院简介

除本科教育外,学院还承担研究生培养。现有建筑设计及其理论,建筑历史与理论,结构工程三个硕士研究生学位授予点,面向全国招生。2004年结构工程研究所通过了中国实验室国家认可委员会(CNAl)及计量认证专家组的二合一现场评审,获得了中国实验室国家认可颁发的认可证书和省技术监督局颁发的计量认证合格书,在全国众多建筑与土木专业实验室中是第一个获得国家实验室认可的实验室.目前学院有建筑系、土木工程系、城市规划系、建设管理与房地产系、交通工程系、建筑设计研究院、世界建筑导报社、装饰工程公司、建设监理研究所、结构工程研究所、土木工程耐久性重点实验室、房地产研究中心、爆炸效应研究所、中国聚落景观研究中心.学院从深圳特区建设的现实需要出发,分别以建筑系、土木系和规划系系为核心,形成了教学、 科研、社会服务三结合的统筹机制,走新型的培养人才之路。

3. 深圳大学土木工程学院的专业

 培养目标:培养掌握土木工程学科的基本理论和专业知识,具备从事房屋建筑、道路桥梁、岩土工程和工程管理等领域规划、设计、施工、管理和研究工作的能力,具有一定创新能力的工程骨干技术人才。(1)建筑工程培养目标: 毕业生主要适合从事房屋建筑结构的设计、研究、施工、管理等技术工作。初步具备能进行各种工业与民用建筑结构的设计、研究、开发与经营、施工、管理及组织协调的能力。(2)交通土建培养目标:培养从事道路桥梁的设计、施工、检测等技术和管理工作,初步具备道路桥梁工程的设计、研究、施工、管理及检测等方面能力的专业人才。(3)岩土工程培养目标:培养能够从事工程中的地基处理、基础施工、工程勘测、设计等技术和管理工作。初步具备能进行各种土木工程地基及基础的设计、勘测、研究、施工、管理及组织协调的能力。(4)材料科学与工程培养目标:培养能够从事建筑材料、功能材料和道路工程材料等的设计、研究、施工、监测等技术和管理工作。初步具备建筑材料的制备、材料设计、产品开发与制造、技术运用与改造、运行管理等方面的各项专业能力。主要课程:画法几何、理论力学、材料力学、结构力学、工程制图与计算机绘图、工程测量、房屋建筑学、土木工程材料、土力学与地基基础、材料分析与测试方法、混凝土结构设计原理、钢结构、工程项目管理、土木工程施工、工程造价管理、高层建筑结构设计、建筑抗震设计、土木工程CAD、岩石力学等。授予学位:工学学士。 培养目标:培养具备土木工程技术及与工程管理相关的管理、经济和法律等基本知识;初步掌握现代管理科学的理论、方法和手段;熟悉有关产业的方针、政策和法规;了解工程承包及项目管理的国际惯例;获得工程师基本训练,并受到科学研究的初步训练;具备从事国内外建筑工程项目管理、工程估价、项目投资分析、工程项目招投标及房地产开发、物业管理等基本技能,具有一定的实践能力、创新能力的复合型专业工程管理人才。就业前景:毕业生能够在建设单位、设计单位、建筑施工单位、工程建设监理单位、工程造价管理单位、房地产开发和经营企业、物业管理企业、房地产经纪行业、房地产评估行业、投资与金融单位等从事工程管理、房地产方面相关工作以及在政府部门、教学和科研单位从事相关管理或技术工作。学生就业面广,市场需求大,就业率高。(1)工程项目管理(含国际工程管理)培养目标:培养能够从事工程项目的全过程管理工作,初步具有进行工程项目可行性研究、一般土木工程设计、工程项目全过程的投资、进度、质量控制及合同管理、信息管理和组织协调的能力的专业人才。(2)房地产开发与经营培养目标:培养能够从事房地产开发与经营工作,初步具有分析和解决城市与房地产经济理论问题,以及房地产项目的前期可行性研究、项目策划、投资与融资、规划设计方案评价、工程招投标、开发过程中的工程管理、承包合同管理、市场营销、估价和物业管理的能力的专业人才。(3)投资与造价管理(工程概预算管理)培养目标:培养能够从事项目投资与融资及工程造价全过程管理工作,初步具有项目评估、工程造价管理的能力,初步具有编制招标、投标文件和投标书评定的能力,初步具有编制和审核工程项目估算、概算、预算和决算的能力的专业人才。主要课程:工程技术类课程:土木工程概论、工程测量、材料力学(1)、土木工程材料、房屋建筑学、结构力学(1)、混凝土结构设计原理结构(1)、土木工程施工。管理学类课程:管理学原理、运筹学、工程项目管理、网络计划技术、预测与决策技术、建设项目评估、组织理论、工程招投标与合同管理、质量管理、数据库原理、管理信息系统、工程项目风险管理、项目管理计算机应用、工程管理专业英语。经济学类课程:经济学原理、工程经济学、城市规划经济学、工程造价管理、财务管理、项目投资与融资、房地产开发、房地产评估、房地产市场营销。法律类课程:经济法、建筑法规。主要实践性教学环节(1) 公共实践教学环节:军事训练、读书报告与假期见闻和假期实践。(2) 理论课随行实践教学环节:此类课程都为随行实践教学环节安排了相应的课内实践课时,可见于课程设置表中。(3) 课程实践教学环节:对实践环节要求比较高的课程,设置了“课程相关集中实践教学环节”,专设学分,与相应主课同选同修。(4) 综合性专业实践:主要包括综合性课程实践、专业实习和毕业论文或设计。(5) 课外科技实践活动:参与的探索性课外创新实践活动,如课余科技竞赛项目等,以及鼓励参与教师的科研项目活动。(6) 校外实践实习基地:校外实践实习。授予学位:工学学士。3.交通工程培养目标:培养适应社会主义现代化建设需要,具有坚实的基础理论知识、较宽的土木工程基础知识、较深的道路工程、桥梁工程、交通规划与管理、交通信息与控制等专业知识,具备工程师基本素质和一定的创新意识,素质好、适应能力强,德、智、体、美全面发展的工程骨干技术人才。就业前景:毕业生可在交通规划城市部门、交通工程建设和施工部门、交通科研机构、交通运输部门、交通管理部门、高等级公路运营管理部门以及行政事业部门从事交通系统、高速公路、城市道路、轨道路交通工程规划、方案设计、勘查施工、工程项目管理、可行性研究、工程评估、工程预算、交通运营管理、交通安全与处理、交通科研等工作。(1)交通运输规划与管理培养目标:培养掌握有关交通规划的基本理论和方法识,毕业后能够从事与道路网、轨道交通、物流等方面实际规划和管理工作的专业人才。(2)交通信息与控制培养目标:培养掌握交通规划相关的基本理论知识,毕业后能够从事智能交通、交通诱导、智能运输系统等方面的工作。(3)道桥工程培养目标:培养具备系统的交通规划的基本理论和基础知识,毕业后能够从事公路、城市道路、桥梁及隧道工程的设计、施工、检测等方面工作。主要课程:高等数学、画法几何、理论力学、工程测量、材料力学、结构力学、交通工程学、交通工程系统分析、结构设计原理、工程水文与水力学、交通规划、道路勘测设计、路基路面工程、桥梁工程、隧道工程。主要实践性环节:(1) 公共实践教学环节:包括军事训练、读书报告与假期见闻和假期实践。(2) 理论课随行实践教学环节:随行实践教学环节安排了相应的课内实践课时,可见于课程设置表中,也可根据实际情况灵活安排。(3) 课程相关集中实践教学环节:对实践环节要求比较高的课程,设置了独立的“课程相关集中实践教学环节”,专设学分,与相应主课同选同修。(4) 综合性专业实践:主要包括专业实习和毕业论文或设计。(5) 课外科技实践活动:各年级的本科生参与的探索性课外创新实践活动,如课余科技竞赛项目等,以及管理参与教师的科研项目活动。(6) 校外实践实习:校外实践实习基地工作实习。授予学位:工学学士。专业受限:建议理科学生报考。


4. 深圳大学建筑与土木工程学院的师资力量

党委书记: 邢锋教授院 长:  陈燕萍教授副院长:  王家远教授副院长:  杨文焱副教授党委副书记:艾志刚副教授学院现有教授13人,副教授、高级工程师 27人,中级职称7人.

5. 深圳大学建筑与土木工程学院的英文介绍

The College of Architecture & Civil Engineering作者:The College of Architecture & Civil EngineeringThe College of Architecture & Civil EngineeringShenzhen UniversityThe College of Architecture and Civil Engineering of Shenzhen University (SUCACE) was founded in April 1997, combining the strength of three formerly independent faculties - Departments of Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Environmental Design. Both architectural and civil engineering faculties were among the earliest ones since the inception of the University.After nearly two decades of growth and development, SUCACE currently consists of three departments, i.e. that of Architecture, Urban Planning, and Civil Engineering. Other affiliates include the Institute of Architectural Design and Research, the press house of the magazine World Architectural Review, the Research Institute of High-rise Architecture, the Research Institute of Residential Architecture, the Decoration Engineering Company, the Research Institute of Construction Supervision, the Centre of Structure Engineering and Building Materials, the Centre of Urban Utility and Traffic Research, and the Research Institute of Building Economy and Management. Focusing on the formulation and development of the architectural and civil engineering programmes, these entities have played a promotive role in integrating teaching, research and professional practice into a cohesive educational system, which provides qualified talents for the society in general and the rapid urban development of Shenzhen in particular.The College has four undergraduate programs, i.e. architecture, urban planning, civil engineering, and construction management, and three master’s programs, i.e. architectural design and theory, architectural history and theory, and structural engineering. Two additional master’s programs – urban planning and construction management – are to be introduced in 2004. SUCACE’s architectural program is a provincial key program since 1998; it also underwent the national architectural accreditation process and was recognized as a provincial important program in Guangdong Province 2002. The College currently enrolls over 660 students and more than 60 graduate students. The faculty staff consists of 60 teachers, including 12 professors, 29 associate professors/senior engineers, and 29 lecturers/engineers.Pursuant to the demand of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, the College strives to integrate teaching, research, and design activities under a coordinated body of staff. Our goal is to cultivate new types of students adapted to the needs of our time.Department of ArchitectureSince its inception in September 1983, the Department of Architecture has been striving to integrate teaching, research and design practice into a cohesive didactic system. Its close cooperation with Shenzhen University Institute of Architectural Design & Research (SUIADR) has proved to be creative, practical, and international in reach. It is ranked No. 9 among all architectural schools in the country.The architectural program emphasizes trainings in professional skills and creative design thinking. After nearly two decades of search and reforms, the program features several unique characters:l     Strong connections among different courses around the core course of design studio classes. The teaching of building construction and architectural drawing is integrated into design studio classes. Building structure, artistic training and graphic design classes also work closely with design studio classes.l     The design studio classes emphasizes modernity and ontological thinking, as well as the ability of spatial formation and an architectonic approach in design. Students are encouraged to rely on rational analysis and empirical experience in the design process, and to use working models and computer simulation models to assist their design.l     The theme studios recently incorporated into the curriculum is a new feature in the program. Conducted once a year, the theme studio attempts to provide a platform for theoretical and avant-garde design research.The Department of Architecture has 37 teachers, including 9 professors, 19 associate professors and 9 lecturers from reputable schools both in China and abroad. Most teachers have international experience by studying, working and traveling widely outside the country. Four the teachers graduate from foreign universities. The Department also reserves one teaching position every year for foreign teachers.Currently the Department enrolls 320 student mainly from local Guangdong Province and one foreign student.The Department also enjoys good teaching facilities. The newly inaugurated college complex provides generous spaces. The department library has a collection of over 35000 books and over 210 Chinese and foreign architectural and related magazines since 1980’s. The model workshop has accumulated years of experience and can process such materials as wood, cardboard, gypsum, metal, and plastic.After two decades of endeavor, the achievement of our teachers and students are widely recognized within the country. Many of our graduates continued their scholarly pursuits in universities abroad, including such reputable ones as Harvard, UCLA, MIT in the USA, and AA in England. Both our students and teachers are known for their ability to win design competitions. Many of the realized projects have won provincial, ministerial and municipal design excellence awards. Substantial advancement is made in the field of research as well. Teachers from the department constantly publish articles in leading architectural magazines. To date, over 10 books have been published. In addition to numerous research projects at provincial and municipal levels, the department has undertaken two research projects from the Chinese Natural Science Foundation.Through years of endeavor and development, the Department has established its reputation within the academic circle. The architectural program is both recognized by the university and provincial educational authorities as key program. The B. Arch. program underwent the accreditation process and was approved by the National Architectural Accreditation Board in 1996. In the same year, the department’s master’s program in architectural design and theory was approved by the State Council’s academic sub-committee. In 2001, the master’s program in architectural history and theory was also approved.Department of City PlanningAs a major subordinate entity under SUCACE, the Department of City Planning was founded in 2001. The first batch of students were enrolled in the same year. The city planning and design program grew out of the architectural program with the aim of fostering urban physical design talents.The department shares teaching facilities and staff with the architectural department and has an extended teaching staff through exchange and cooperation with numerous city planning and design professionals. Young and middle-aged teachers form the core of the teaching and research faculty, including one doctorate tutor, 8 master tutors. Most of the teachers have high academic rankings (professor or associated professor). With the Pearl Delta region in focus, teachers from the city planning and design department conducted researches in the fields of urban design and city growth, urban open spaces and landscape morphology, human habitat, and other related subjects, and have achieved national recognition.Teaching of the department places equal emphases on fundamentals and practical skills – on the one hand, trainings in basic knowledge and skills are emphasized pursuant to the practical nature of design; on the other hand, students are encourage to develop their sensitivity toward the surrounding environment, and understanding of the impact of contemporary technology, social and economic development on their field of study. By taking advantage of Shenzhen’s strategic location, the department strives to face new problems and challenges raised by contemporary society and foster quality talents which at the same time have profound understanding of the basics of the subject and are well adapted to the requirements of our time.The curriculum and teaching of the city planning program feature several unique characters:1.    comprehensive design teachingBuilt upon the architectural program, the city planning curriculum expands to encompass knowledge of environmental and urban design so as to foster talents of a comprehensive understanding of urban physical planning.The first three years of the program rely on basic architectural training. In the fourth year, beginning with case studies and analysis, basic theories and practical knowledge of city planning, residential area planning and environmental design will be included in the curriculum. The fifth year will emphasize more on comprehensive training and over professional skills and knowledge.2.    close link with related fieldsConnectivity among architectural, urban and environmental design is emphasized in the program. Built up a solid foundation of basic architectural training, and incorporating background knowledge of urban design, environmental design, as well as sociology, economics, cultural studies, the program will help the students to command comprehensive knowledge of physical environment.3.    drawing on the strength of the architectural programThe existent faculty of SUCACE features strong design talents. Most of our teachers arequite accomplished in theoretical learning and have rich experience in planning practice. Over the years, they have provided successful planning schemes of science and technology parks, university campuses, residential areas, and urban centers. This emphasis on “practical ability” forms a sound foundation for a teaching method reminiscent of the Bauhaus tradition.4.    a teaching that combines theory and practiceCity planning and design is a subject of practical application. Through nearly two decades’ accumulation and development, the architectural department has establish one of the best architectural library in China. The strategic location of Shenzhen also facilitates frequent academic exchange with Hong Kong, Macau and foreign countries so that the students are constantly informed of the latest development of the planning profession. Meanwhile, close working relationship between the department and SUIADR guarantees remarkable opportunities of professional practice for teachers and students alike.5.    a teaching philosophy that reflects local characteristicsShenzhen has been in the forefront of China’s reforms and open policy. It enjoys a more favorable economic development and comparatively mature market economy. Its city planning and development constantly face new challenges, while its sub-tropic climate and unique cultural factors promote an ongoing quest for relevant planning theories and methodology.Department of Civil EngineeringOriginally called the Department of Structure and Civil Engineering, this department was founded in 1984 and formally enrolled its first students in 1985. It has two majors – civil engineering and construction management. Since 1999, the department also offers a master’s program in structural engineering. Another master’s program in construction management will be offered in 2004. Almost parallel to the development of the special economic zone, two decades of endeavor by teachers and student and unwavering support from the university have resulted in a well equipped Department of Civil Engineering with a highly qualified faculty, unique teaching curriculum, and numerous research achievements. It has provided many research and engineering talents for Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in the fields of civil engineering, construction management and urban development. The department has become an influential educational institution that links teaching, research and design practice. The department has a number of important laboratories and research centers which have achieved national and provincial research awards.The Department of Civil Engineering attaches great importance to its graduate and undergraduate programs. All teachings are in conformance with relevant national requirements and adapted to local demand of Shenzhen city. Putting theory into practice has become a major feature in our teaching. The department has set up an advisory committee of educational cooperation which invites outside leading experts and professional to assist the formation of teaching curriculum and participate examinations of graduate theses. Internship in sizable construction firms or design institutes is compulsory for the students in order to ensure the acquisition of practical skills and knowledge.The department currently has 320 undergraduate students. Our students are very active in all kinds of university activities and organizations.


6. 深圳大学土木工程学院的介绍

土木工程学院成立于2006年9月,下设土木工程系、建设管理与房地产系、交通工程系,包括土木工程、工程管理、交通工程3个本科专业;还拥有结构工程、管理科学与工程工学及防灾减灾与防护工程3个硕士点。其中,工程管理专业已通过全国工程管理专业教育评估。 学院科研、教学设施完备,深圳市土木工程耐久性重点实验室设于本学院,结构工程研究所被广东省建委评为一级实验室,并获得国家实验室资质认证。