求 卓别林 《淘金记》 英语 观后感,影评 急!急!急! 高分重赏!

2024-05-09 06:57

1. 求 卓别林 《淘金记》 英语 观后感,影评 急!急!急! 高分重赏!

Chaplin's performance, beyond the so-called "character" and the concept of "performance". He's what like what, at the same time keep the style of the others can't replace. Reach this level, don't know actor observations and insights about life reached a kind of breadth and depth. In contrast, the gold rush tramp. See today's film and television works, I feel many big stars play what is playing himself. And subject matter, the vision is also very limited, is always your own circles. I really want to know, how much time they spend in commercials, cut the ribbon at ordinary times, ShangYan, into the thick of life and how much time?

求 卓别林 《淘金记》 英语 观后感,影评 急!急!急! 高分重赏!

2. 求 卓别林经典语录的英文版

1,时间是一个伟大的作者,它会给每个人写出完美的结局来:Time is a great author, she will give each person to write a perfect ending
2,我并不想制造革命,只是还要拍些电影:I do not want to create the revolution, but also take some movies
3,人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀:You have to believe in yourself . Thats the secret of success

好了 给分吧  很难找的