
2024-05-19 02:34

1. 请讲解一下“降价”的英语表达有几种?

Price Cut 降价
  on sale 削价出售
  [物价] mark down降价
  abate a price降价
  fare reduction 降价
  depreciate vt.降价
  cut price 削价
  reduce price [法]降价
  price breaks减价
  price reduction削价


2. 这样商品的价格会贬值英语

1 这件商品价格升至25元 / 降至 25 元 
  The price of this product has risen to ¥25 / has fallen to ¥25.
  2 这件商品价格下降了15元 
  The price of this product has reduced ¥15.